Girl?/Boy? See if you can tell!

So we had our ultrasound yesterday, and as the picture clearly shows… we’re having a boy! All in all ultrasounds are pretty cool, and this one was especially cool for me. It made this whole process seem so much more real. Granted I’ve felt very pregnant in the sense of feeling sick a lot and such in the beginning, but seeing pictures of our son looking like an actual baby made it come alive for me. It kind of made me stand back and say… ‘we are parents’ (whoa, does that sound weird or what!). Fun stuff though, and we’re so excited about all that God has for us in this new adventure! He is so good!

A little laughter for your day.

Some Photos

Well, Abbie and I have a doctors appointment in a few weeks that we are very much looking forward to. We should be able to learn our baby’s gender at this appointment so soon we’ll have some new fun stuff to blog about. But for now, here’s some random pictures we’ve taken in the past few months. 

These first two pictures were taken at Woodland Hills Mall in Tulsa when we were down there a few months back. We were with two of our girls from the former youth ministry we pastored.
The other picture was taken just last week in the lobby of the Millenium Hotel in St. Louis. If you look closely, you can see the St. Louis Arch in the background. We were in St. Louis for a conference with the National Association of Nouthetic (Biblical) Counselors. We had a great time.

Another Doctor’s Appointment

So, we visited Dr. Williams yesterday. It was a very normal visit. I love the nurse that always takes care of us. She is super sweet. She weighs me (my least favorite part!… seeing those numbers climb is scary!), takes my blood pressure (mine’s normal for a prego girl, so she says), and does my favorite part…. listens to the heart beat. My little one’s a bit squrimy so she has had a hard time keeping it right on it for very long, but it’s been long enough to hear…. This is the part makes this whole thing very real to me. I have two heart beats inside my body right now. Just sitting here writing this I would have no idea of this fact (except for my ever widening waistband). I can’t feel or hear my baby’s heartbeat… until she puts that goo on my stomach and uses her machine and then… there it is. Life is growing inside me. It’s a funny way that God has chosen to bring new lives into the world, but it’s the way He chose. For the next several months I have the job of allowing my body to nurture this new life that is part me, part Chris, with a soul given by the Lord. Pretty crazy stuff!

I am starting to ‘show.’ I’ll try to get pics up in the next few weeks. And the ‘morning’ (for me ‘all day’) sickness is getting better and better. Most days I feel pretty good most of the day, which I am very thankful for. I’m able to do much more around the house, and have started cooking again. Both our tastebuds and our checking account were getting tired of restraunt food!

Anyway… these are just my thoughts today.