The Dog in the Cone

So today was hair trimming and bath day for our dogs.  Whether it’s the fresh smell or something else we’re not sure, but for whatever the reason, our girls seem to get riled up and fairly aggresive with each other when they are wet. Typically it consists of some snarling and growling, but in a playful yet testy way. Well, not today. You know that old saying, ‘It’s all fun and games till someone gets hurt’? Well, someone got hurt. They were starting to go at it and as I was pulling Kara off  Kelton I saw that Kara had Kelton’s ear in her mouth. Apparently Kara had a pretty good grip because when I put Kara aside, I grabbed Kelton and lifted up her ear and to my suprise, found blood all over the inner flap. Then it was on my hand, then the floor, then the walls when she shook. I looked closer and found an extremely deep laceracion that apparently came when I pulled Kara and it just drug her teeth through the ear. The laceracion was deep and long enough that we saw things only ER doctors should see.  We figured it would eventually heal but for the sake of infection and wanting to make sure that it would heal properly, we took her to the ER vet. On a scale of 1 to 10, her laceration was a 2 or 3 the vet said. But that was because it was on the ear. Anywhere else would have been much worse! So, they glued the laceration, gave her some medicine and sent her home wearing what you see in the picture. Well, later in the day we felt bad for Kelton, so Kara and I decided to put on hats so maybe Kelton wouldn’t feel so embarassed. We were just trying to love on her! Maybe we won’t be bad parent’s after all. Besides, accidents happen sometimes and there’s nothing you can do but respond quickly and Godly to them.

1 Comment

  1. You look so cute and I love the way Kelton looks with her cone around her next. The look on Kara face like what did I do.
    Hope you have a great day.
    Love ya, Mom

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